PROMPT Astrophotography
It has been a pleasure to partner with two of the best astrophotography groups in the world, each of which uses the dark time on one of our PROMPT telescopes at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) in the Chilean Andes.
Me standing next to one of our 16-inch diameter telescopes at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in the Chilean Andes. SSRO is using an identical scope, but with an upgraded, PlaneWave Instruments Ascension 200HR mount.
Star Shadows Remote Observatory
The first of these two groups is Star Shadows Remote Observatory (SSRO). Information about the SSRO team can be found here.
SSRO uses one of our 16-inch diameter PROMPT telescopes, which they have customized for astrophotography.
Their work has been selected as NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) 16 times. These are displayed in the gallery below. Click on each for additional information.
All of SSRO’s work can be viewed here.
32-inch diameter PROMPT telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in the Chilean Andes: mount lift.
32-inch diameter PROMPT telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in the Chilean Andes: telescope assembly and lift.
Chilean Advanced Robotic Telescope
The second of these groups is Chilean Advanced Robotic Telescope (CHART32). Information about the CHART32 team can be found here.
CHART32 uses our 32-inch diameter PROMPT telescope, which was manufactured by CHART32 team member Phiipp Keller’s Astro Optik company. (This telescope will soon also be outfitted with a spectrograph, being built by Universidad Andrés Bello’s Giuliano Pignata.)
CHART32’s work has been selected as NASA’s APOD 13 times (their first APOD was featured twice, five years apart!). These are displayed in the gallery below. Click on each for additional information.
All of CHART32’s work can be viewed here.